From your footnote: " meaning that removing voter registratiion as a hurdle wouldn’t necessarily have predictable partisan effects." I thought it was pretty well established (or at least admitted by the GOP) that if everyone voted, the GOP would never win another national office. Are you saying this isn't true?

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Thanks for this. When I read that the AZ Supreme Court removed 100k voters for lack of proof of citizenship, I was both appalled tho not shocked. I don’t remember having to prove my citizenship for my first vote on my birthday in the Ohio (home state) primary that year. Having lived in 2 other states and now DC for 46 years, again I don’t remember. Is it a check box affirming?

ND: yes I’ll go read more. Maybe tell all who read this how they do it.

AZ: I couldn’t find whether they contacted all removed or if even 1/4 of those people show up and are told they aren’t registered, does AZ have provisional ballots?

I view voting as a sacred right and responsibility and it’s been made far too difficult for people - older, disabled, those with carer responsibilities, those who work multiple jobs. It shouldn’t be so.

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