What, David, is the gender agreement or gap in age cohorts for women & men? Will Taylor Swift move younger (than I!) fans to vote and vote for Harris? Are some women polled fearful of saying they’ll vote for Harris is a male partner or parents are Trump voters? Will we know much before the Electoral College votes are certified? Thanks.

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The age cohorts is a super interesting question, but I don’t trust cross-tabs at that level during a campaign so I have no answer. One consideration is that older generation women might be more motivated to see the ‘first’ finally happen; they are being replaced over time by young women who might assume that of course it will happen soon.

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Really helpful piece and Conroy is terrific on the gender gap. Highly recommend her stack. I'd add that abortion is an issue in 2024 in a way that it was not in 2016 or 2020. HRC could suggest that electing Trump would affect SCOTUS appointments but that was not controlling for voters. With the overturn of Roe and attention on miscarriage, abortion, and birth control, one would expect to see women support the candidate who is leaning in hard on reproductive choice.

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I didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole of policy in this post, but of course I’m thinking about it!

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