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Over the past few weeks or two, I've been seeing stories implying that "the opposition" is exhausted, in despair, and - of course - "Dems in disarray!". I often get the impression that many folks in the media and pundits in general think they're in a different world from the rest of us where they have no responsibility for what has happened and that it's all the Ds or the "elites" or X's fault. It's so rare I see any agency granted to Trump voters. Somehow it almost always is someone else's fault they voted the way they did, and are bringing on what is coming. I would suggest that it would be useful to give some weight to the idea that many non-Trumpers accept that a 1.5 % plurality of people wanted Trump back, we can't change that, and maybe it should be accepted that Trump voters have agency, and all the awful things we were often ridiculed for saying would happen are now going to happen...and at least we tried to stop it. I hope folks come back to the barricades after recharging and hopefully have learned ways to oppose more effectively.

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